Meet the Passenger Economy
> Affluent
40% with Household Income of $90K+
> Young
Millennials + GenZ
> High Spenders
$500B spent on experiences, F&B, and retail while traveling

Ivee connects brands to the Passenger Economy
Ivee builds personalized passenger experiences in ride-hail vehicles. We make rides as relaxing as a spa or as entertaining as a home theater. A perfect place for brands to be present.
Proven performance for big brands

How Ivee Ads Are Unique

Contextual + Geo Targeting
Ivee’s AI delivers targeted ads to ride-hail passengers

Highly Engaged Audience
4 out of 10 passengers interact with Ivee

Only Pay for Performance
Highest RoAS with our Pay Per Click model
Ivee’s Ads increased our engagement rates 35%. Ivee’s contextual targeting gave us performance we couldn’t buy anywhere else.